in NYChttp:// in the LA areahttp:// Profile of Manhattan along 2nd AveGeologic Profile of Manhattan along 2nd Avehttp:// from Discovering Urbanismhttp:// parkRoland Park, Baltimore, MDhttp:// Cityhttp:// Cityhttp:// Tap: Eleven. One Louder. Tap: Eleven. One Louder. Heightshttp:// Heightshttp:// CabsVia Flickr user Ian Caldwellhttp:// Telmohttp:// for Brooklynhttp:// Graffitihttp:// graffitihttp:// graffitihttp:// sale signImage via Flickr user Images_of_Moneyhttp:// Wisconsin Ave Gianthttp:// Shot Wisconsin Avehttp:// score corrhttp:// regressionhttp:// ivreghttp:// randhttp:// graphhttp:// graphhttp:// goodshttp:// Streethttp:// Streethttp:// Narrow Streethttp:// Narrow StreetPhoto by Doug Kerr Street Promenadehttp:// LAhttp://"Evil cul-de-sac" flickr user rleong101http:// by C. Ridgewayhttp:// Terminushttp:// terminusPassengers coming from Union Station will board the streetcar on an overpass outside of a parking bride. Image via Fulertography. 1http:// town centerhttp:// Bushwick, warehouses abut apartment buildings. Image via Real Estate Weekly. endBoston's North End's driverless Sky Trainhttp://'s driverless Skytrainhttp:// Aerial 2-Finalhttp:// Kong Metrohttp:// Tablehttp:// apartmentsImage via Urban Milwaukeehttp:// Tablehttp:// fonghttp:// equals a height limit of 40 feet or less than 5 stories. Credit Mike Schiraldihttp:// San Francisco, where land is incredibly valuable, a land tax would encourage denser development.,_1900http:// Village circa 2014http:// Village circa 2014http:// Village circa 2014http:// undeadRichard Nixon instituted Price Controls in 1971, which included rent controlhttp:// control long-termhttp:// GentrificationFighting Gentrification at Tompkins Square Riots in 1988http:// Francisco. Ground zero for the debate over who gets to live where and why. added by cityChart by the Citizens Budget Commission (via NYYIMBY) workerhttp:// beyerhttp:// beyerhttp:// Havanahttp:// Jacobshttp:// moratorium would prevent market development in the Mission for at least 45 days, but potentially up to 2 years. building, image via busy street in the southwestern Havana slum where I stayed. typical bakery in Havana. DIGITAL CAMERAA mercado that sold only mangos and potatoes. of the available meat supply at a downtown carniceriahttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// "study, work, rifle." celebration of CDRs, the network of neighborhood watchdogs tasked with upholding the Communist orderhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAMy host familyhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// public housing complex from the outside... from the inside. public parkhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// main story of Indira's apartment. second story, upheld by a wood boardhttp:// water-less poolhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// ParkingDonald Shoup estimates that about one-third of cars in central business districts are cruising for parking. GreenChicago's Cabrini Green via eurweb.comhttp:// Ricohttp:// Francisco, where supporting more housing makes you a Reganite R2http:// 27,000 residents per square mile, NYC has the highest population density of any city in the U.S. Single Family Home Value (Zillow)Median Single Family Home Value (Source: Zillow) a long work day, developer Carlos Fausto Miranda enjoys the Miami nightlife. example of Little Havana's center-hallway buildings, which are now illegal to construct. (Credit: Miami Herald) Tax by Cityhttp:// Tax v2The zoning tax as calculated by Edward Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko, and Raven Saks in "Why Is
Manhattan So Expensive? Regulation and the Rise in House Prices" (2003). v3http:// v3The zoning tax as calculated by Edward Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko, and Raven Saks in "Why Is Manhattan So Expensive? Regulation and the Rise in House Prices" (2003). Houston's revitalizing Third Ward, aging houses sit in the foreground of new condos).'s warehouse will one day house an elaborate indoor garden./Scott Beyer) I made with Bridj: the "boarding pass" I had to show the driver and the map to track the vehicle., voluntary, and smart. via ARLnow.comhttp:// Terraces from afar) staircase runs along the side of the building) side of the building has multiple facades, including metal, faded brick, normal brick, and stucco) aesthetic uniformity of the nearby Water House building, pictured from the roof of the Terraces, makes it more imposing.) Omni Hotel, which was built in the 1980s through an eminent domain and tax increment financing deal, has long been known for blocking the downtown mall from surrounding neighborhoods.) Container Homes in CubaShipping container homes in Cubahttp:// woman struts at a New Orleans parade on February 9, Mardi Gras Day / Scott Beyer) Hills High School, image via West Side Todayhttp:// SkylineLondon Skyline via flickr user Luca Sbardellahttp:// freedom towerhttp:// Garagehttp:// garageThe birthplace of HP (BrokenSphere/Wikipedia) flatBehold, affordability! (Juhan Sonin/Flickr) renthttp:// Rodeohttp:// highwayhttp:// schoolshttp:// beijinghttp:// waterfronthttp:// waterfronthttp:// Food Truckhttp://, Kebabalicious retains a truck location as well as a brick and mortar location. truckThe "food truck" economy has spread to other goods and services, like this barbershop-in-a-trailer.'lantroAfter a failed attempt to open a brick and mortar location in this downtown building, Chi'lantro found occupied a formerly underused entryway. Side KingThe East Side King food truck, pictured here in the backyard of the bar Liberty, was created by local celebrity chef Paul Qui. Shot 2016-04-21 at 10.50.56 AMOne of the few permitted trailer parks in Lexington, Kentucky. An industrial area with many manufacturing jobs lies immediately to the northeast, with discount supermarkets and groceries within walking distance to the north. (Google Maps) high densities for most American suburbs (Billy V/Flickr)"Life in a Trailer Park in Florida" (Boston Public Library/Flickr) are seen at a condo development in the Liberty Villiage area in Toronto, Ont. Wednesday, April 11/2012.(Photo by Kevin Van Paassen/The Globe and Mail) gentrificafionhttp:// not enterhttp:// floridahttp:// floridahttp:// swifthttp:// too damn highhttp:// and waterLike Oil and Water, Exclusionary Zoning and "Inclusionary Zoning" don't mixhttp:// fieldhttp:// of São Paulo’s Zoning Code diagram, representing the maintenance of heights and densities inside the neighborhoods. Laredohttp:// Shot 2016-05-26 at 2.08.22 PMWithin biking distances (1.5 miles) of downtown! Missing middle. Shot 2016-05-30 at 8.02.09 PMUnencumbered by an conventional land-use planning, mixed-use, medium-density, walkable developments are rapidly overtaking large areas of Houston to once occupied by industrial and low-density residential uses. (Google Maps) Shot 2016-05-26 at 2.08.49 PMhttp:// Shot 2016-05-29 at 3.43.34 PMHigh density office space, apartments—and yes, parking—playfully mix. A Whole Foods sits in the middle, easily accessible to pedestrians and cyclists in the surrounding area. (Google Maps) Shot 2016-05-29 at 3.46.41 PMThe kind of unpredictable diversity that calls to mind Jane Jacobs’ Hudson Street: a TV station and a US Secret Service office nestled among a beautiful neighborhood mixing single-family homes and apartments. (Google Maps) Shot 2016-05-29 at 3.50.39 PMThe magic of toleration manifests itself physically in odd neighbors on W Mckinney Street: An intriguing, unconventional townhouse sits next to… (Google Maps) Shot 2016-05-29 at 3.53.16 PM…a beautiful, conventional single-family home. Houston’s light regulation of design allows for residents with different conceptions of the good life to peacefully live alongside one another. (Google Maps) Shot 2016-05-30 at 7.45.25 PMGradual densification underway in Uptown, far from the 20th century downtown. Without parking requirements, it's unlikely lots and garages would take up so much space. (Google Maps) (Google Maps), MI - JULY 19: A view of Downtown Detroit looking south on Woodward Avenue is shown July 19, 2013 in Detroit, Michigan. Detroit's emergency manager Kevin Orr filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy July 18, 2013 making Detroit the largest city to file for bankruptcy in U.S. history. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) maphttp:// Museum gives up battle against Chicago NIMBY grouphttp:// it ain't pretty, but give it a century. (Fallout: New Vegas/Nukapedia)'s suburban sprawl is a poor fit for a post-automobile world; many players develop dense clusters around one or two homes. (Fallout 4/Nukapedia) ZimonjaA more typical form of settlement development in Outpost Zimonja: a dense cluster of cottages surrounding a monumental structure. Megaton, an urban community emerges around a megaton bomb. (Fallout 3/Nukapedia) Vegas Concept ArtAmbitious concept art for New Vegas (Fallout: New Vegas/Nukapedia) Concept ArtBusy, densely populated concept art for Megaton (Fallout 3/Nukapedia) New Vegas StripComfortable urban living in the Strip—if you have the caps. (Fallout: New Vegas/Nukapedia) CityDiamond City (Fallout 4/Giphy) CityDiamond City (Fallout 4/Nukapedia) maphttp:// policehttp:// timbemnhttp:// for Housinghttp:// parking lothttp:// park shadowshttp:// obamahttp:// rendering of the Saw Mill River project) York's zoning was written to prevent buildings like the Equitable Building. Now it's a landmark, and home to the City Planning Departmenthttp:// 1920shttp:// Bernie Sanders was criticizing Uber, his campaign workers were using the service to get around). lakehttp:// lakehttp:// sixthhttp:// squareChatham Square, Manhattanhttp:// is a popular German line / wikipedia) street in Mexico City.A complete street in Tabacalera, making room for transit users, cars, bicycles, and pedestrians. A rarity in U.S. cities, they are common in Mexico City. (Market Urbanism/Nolan Gray) CentraAlameda Central in Mexico City. Both a place to relax and a shortcut for pedestrians and cyclists. (Market Urbanism/Katarina Hall) Street in Mexico CityA pedestrian street in downtown Mexico City. (Market Urbanism/Nolan Gray) sidewalk in Mexico CityA busy street in Mexico City. A mixture of uses and spacious sidewalks provide the why and how for walking. (Market Urbanism/Katarina Hall) street in Mexico City.A dense, mixed-use street in Colonia Roma. (Market Urbanism/Nolan Gray) life in Mexico City.A sidewalk—and bikelane—ballet. The city's ubiquituous street vendors serve both to enhance urban vitality and act as eyes on the street. (Market Urbanism/Nolan Gray) DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// libraryhttp:// altohttp:// franhttp:// franhttp:// developersImage posted to the facebook group by Christopher Younghttp:// familyhttp:// early photo of theorist Henry George / wikipedia) to eminent domain and government subsidies, the Barclays Center in Brooklyn was drastically over-scaled. / wikipedia) Airbnb host and guest meet / company photo) One-of-a-kind Airbnb to offer travelers authentic Detroit experiencehttp:// suffering the indignity of not being forced to have a yard. (Nolan Gray/Google Maps) Maid Parking DesertAs someone who likes Houston, it's hard to look at this photo. Kill the parking mandates! (Nolan Gray/Google Maps) MidtownThis was a nice neighborhood before all the apartments and commercial came in. Just kidding. It's one of Houston's nicest neighborhoods—Midtown—gradually growing denser. (Nolan Gray/Google Earth) HoustonThis was a nice neighborhood before all the apartments and commercial came in. Just kidding. It’s one of Houston’s nicest neighborhoods—Midtown—gradually growing denser. (Nolan Gray/Google Earth) of uses in Second WardCommercial clusters along major thoroughfares. Residential dominates the interior streets. Heavy industrial clusters mostly out of the way. Cities naturally do this kind of thing—no need for zoning. (Nolan Gray/Google Earth) Preston Hollow in DallasThis isn't Houston! It's Dallas. Specifically, it's Old Preston Hollow and it's illegal to have a density higher than one unit per acre. Something, something, health, safety, and morals? Hah, no. It's to keep poor people out. (Nolan Gray/Google Maps) HoustonA high-density area far outside of downtown—Midtown. As long a you have the required parking, go crazy. (Nolan Gray/Google Earth) Housing in West University Placehttp:// homes in DCThe scourge of D.C. Not that big of a deal in Houston. (Inhabitat/Flickr) Street in Fourth WardA four-lane freeway cutting through a densifying urban neighborhood. Where do the cyclist go? (Nolan Gray/Google Earth) Housing in South SideSingle-family housing of on at least 5,000 square foot lots. Not having a minumum lot requirement is best, but this isn't the end of the world. (Nolan Gray/Market Urbanism) Jacobs(Phil Stanziola/New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Library of Congress) shot of the San Diego skyline from the La Playa neighborhood / Scott Beyer) Paulohttp://"The middle of nowhere? Cheap land prices?
Think again, this is a picture from Googleplex in Mountain View." via Anthony Linghttp:// image of the water-less Los Angeles River, with the downtown skyline in the background. The city has been trying in vain to revive the riverfront for decades. / photo by Scott Beyer)'s Automotive is on the right. Note the hip/urban/sustainable street scene on the right. (Google Maps)'s Automotive is a tiny black-roofed shop across from the apartment complex. As you can see, there is nowhere else in this neighborhood that a hip/urban/sustainable apartment building could go. (Google Maps) DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAhttp:// palm trees of Glendale, CA, lie in the foothills of the Verdugo Mountains, just north of Los Angeles / photo by Scott Beyer) Shot 2017-01-07 at 6.18.50 PMThere really needs to be a meditative coloring book filled with zoning maps. (Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government) Shot 2017-01-06 at 9.11.46 PMhttp:// Shot 2017-01-06 at 9.13.23 PMSmall setbacks, high lot coverage, and very little off-street parking: South Mill remains one of Lexington's most desirable residential streets. (Google Maps) Shot 2017-01-06 at 9.13.40 PMSorry for having shown you this picture. Note the surviving (non-conforming) urban uses. (Google Maps) Shot 2017-01-03 at 6.38.07 PMRight: 2016, left: 1959. (Google Maps) in front, ADU in back. (radcliffe dacanay/Flickr) Shot 2017-01-07 at 7.48.15 PMhttp:// Mesopotamia, part of which is pictured here in modern-day Iraq, blossomed because of liberalized attitudes about trade. / wikipedia) shot of Wilshire Boulevard, one of the only areas in Los Angeles that accommodates high-density development. / photo by Scott Beyer) 1Average annual carbon emissions per household in the New York metro area. Dense, "dirty" New York City produces about half as many emissions, per household, as the "green" suburbs beyond. Image from Berkeley's CoolClimate maps site. 2
Wrong for the U.S.-Mexico border, but okay for cities. We shouldn't complain about people coming to our country with different cultures and values, but it's okay in our neighborhoods. Photo from World Tribune. 3When you look at capital income as a share of all income, the gains of the past 40 years essentially disappear when you remove housing from the equation. In other words, almost 100 percent of the increase in wealth in equality can be attributed to housing. Chart from Brookings. skyline. A city with less economic opportunity than many coastal cities, but where owning a home or paying an affordable rent is still within reach to moderate-income households. oceanfront of Santa Cruz, CA at sunset. / photo by Scott Beyer)'s McElderry Park neighborhood is a reminder of the ongoing revitalization needed for many urban areas. / photo by Scott Beyer) protestProtesters march against Donald Trumphttp:// protest sticker in Oakland misidentifies the cause of the city's homeless crisis. / photo by Scott Beyer) 2http:// 4http:// 5http:// 6http:// 7http:// 1http:// shttp:// subwayhttp:// Long Beachhttp:// Grayhttp:// Hengelshttp:// Ikedahttp:// Marohnhttp:// smithhttp:// partyhttp:// partyhttp:// today, upscale retail tomorrow. Researchers at the Development Research Institute chart the "unpredictable, contingent, serendipitous, and surprising" change of Greene Street. (Fuzzy Images/Flickr) Ratcliff/Flickr) never came to pass, but its imperfect legacy lives on in restrictive suburbs and exurbs around the world. (Frank Lloyd Wright) best start believing in overly planed cities. You're (probably) in one. (Le Corbusier) individual is a planner. The goal of urbanists should not be to enshrine one plan, but to understand and cultivate institutions that coordinate this decentralized planning. Shot 2017-03-28 at 11.53.01 PMReasonable people can disagree—a scene from Houston (Google Maps) bookhttp:// towns(An analysis by Strong Towns shows how the interior properties of Lafayette, LA, have better revenue-to-expense ratios than the outlying properties. / parking spot, Paris, France, EuropeTight parking spot, Paris, France, Europehttp:// and the wealth of nationshttp:// head shothttp:// urban crisishttp:// Cook aka Richard Florida (1)Richard Florida, the Dane Cook of Urbanism? Populationhttp:// Priceshttp:// on the steps of Borough Hall at 12:15http:// apthttp:// some stufhttp:// example of a shared space from GGU (Brighton, England) protected bike lane in Oakland -- Thanks Teresa :) constructionstuffhttp:// Permitshttp:// housing nimbyvia Neighbors For More Neighborshttp:// houseshttp://,_not_this_shit_againhttp:// Urbanismhttp:// Icon prelimhttp:// Iconhttp:// Urbanismhttp:// Urbanism Headerhttp:// Urbanism Headerhttp:// Urbanism Headerhttp:// Urbanism iconhttp:// lineuphttp:// lineuphttp:// facehttp:// COVERhttp://'S_WEST_SIDE_-_NARA_-_549913New York built a lot in the 60's and 70's. Not so much anymore... H St NEhttp:// Better Housing Programhttp:// Bassett, writer of NYC's 1916 zoning codehttp:// Development Around Tokyo Transithttp://,_croppedBush Apartmentshttp:// congestionhttp:// Hadid NYChttp:// arrow righthttp:// new yorkhttp:// use poor peoplehttp:// Urbanism fb iconhttp:// Urbanism (1)